
...sharing strategies for teaching second graders...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

2012 Instructional Pacing Guide

I worked late, late, late every evening this past week to complete our 2012 Instructional Pacing Guide for the year. Most of it was already organized on calendars last year. Each subject had its own calendar. The new format shows three weeks on one sheet. I adapted it from one I received from our first grade team. I am thrilled to have it done (for the most part). I do intend to tweak it this year to make it better for next year. It won't feel complete until I add vocabulary this year! When we change to the new standards, it will be a breeze to change them with this format. I am very excited to have done this because it helped me familiarize myself even more with the curriculum expectations in preparation for writing S.E.A.T.S. plans.
SEATS focus on the Standard, the Essential Question, Activating Strategies, Teaching Strategies, and Summarizing Strategies.
Because I volunteered for the GA Class Keys last year, I must be evaluated on those this year...even though they are changing yet again. Isn't that the name of the game? Change is just about the only thing that remains constant. I feel so much more prepared this year due to all the blogging buddies sharing their excellent idea... can I say it again? I love my blogging buddies!! Thanks to all of you, my classroom is rocking! I am reading The Book Whisperer (albeit a little late) and using the FACE of a Reader along with incorporating elements of the Daily 5. My students are settling in to a routine and I am tickled pink to be at school these days! I know this is going to be the best year yet! Hallelujah!!

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