
...sharing strategies for teaching second graders...

Monday, December 31, 2012

HaPpY nEw YeAr!

Happy New Year!

It has been a busy first half of this year of second grade. I am looking forward to a slower pace. Let's hope I can do it!

I'm joining Jen R. over at the Teacher's Cauldron for a New Year's Linky Party. I like her idea of having one personal resolution and one for blogging.

My personal resolution is to on the look-out for every opportunity I can find to make the world a better place. More about that below...

My blogging resolution is to blog at least weekly and share something awesome! Of course, when there are wonderful things cookin' in the classroom, I'll blog more often...sometimes even daily.

I'm joining Farley's linky party and sharing my Currently.

Okay, so for my One Little Word...SOAR!

My biggest resolution this year is to trust God and honor Him for creating me the way He did. I am extremely hyper with a "bleeding heart"-as some folks say-who tries to fix everything for everyone! I know God created me this way for His Honor and Glory. It took me this long to realize it, so I am going to soar with eagle's wings this year by doing/being exactly who He created me to be...with His leadership and guidance, of course. I have been too worried about too much "stuff" for too long. That ends today!

Join me, please, in "soar"ing to new heights this year. Soar into your classroom. Teach your children to look for the adventure in every situation, everywhere they land, with everyone they meet. "Soar" by giving your best in everything you do...including R & R time, eating healthy, getting fresh air and exercise, and finding the glass half full. Be the optimist and the opportunist. See the positive and grab every opportunity you're offered. Lead the way in transforming every place in your circle of influence! :D


Monday, December 17, 2012

I have no words in mymouth to tell what is in my heart.

That is what a man touched by short-term missionary workers told our congregation. He said, "I never understood this king who would leave everything he had and come to me. Then you, who live here in the United States left all your riches and came to me. You brought clothes and left everything you had in your suitcases except the clothes you wore home. You gave us many things: food, medicine, a well, etc., etc. We have in my country a saying. When someone does something sooo wonderful for us, we say I have no words in my mouth." He knelt beside the pulpit as he was speaking and thanked us all for everything we had done...going to Burkina Faso, sending funds and supplies with those words: "I have no words in my mouth to tell what is in my heart." I cried like a baby at his gratitude.

This weekend, I cry like a baby for all those mommies and daddies whose babies are in the arms of Jesus now. I cannot understand their pain, but it breaks my heart as I try to imagine the emptiness in their hearts and lives. My humble prayer is that Our Father would send guardian angels to each and every school worldwide to guard and protect our innocent ones, so that this will never happen again. Specifically, I ask that anyone with intent to harm will lose all strength in his/her/their body/bodies, fall as dead in a faint, and be carried out of the school building by strong men. Amen! 

Go with God, my friends. He is our shield and our refuge, a strong tower in times of trouble.
