
...sharing strategies for teaching second graders...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Golly Molly! Reflex Math, anyone?

Golly Molly! I can't believe it's September 26 and I haven't blogged since August 28! Let's leader-check; healthy mom-in-love-check; CCGPS SEATS plans-check; Instructional Calendar for 2013-2014-check; busy second graders-check; student teachers-check; happy students-check; healthy parents-check; tired teacher-check! 

My Caddi that was such a deal has just about gone its last mile. It smokes like a freight train now. My Toyota RAV4 is ordered and soon to arrive (please pray it arrives TOMORROW!), and so much more is being done or needs to be done! Top all this with a friend having a Yard Sale Saturday and wanting me to join. Ha! 

I have also received a grant from Reflex Math that I think you should check out. Has anyone used Reflex Math? It is a computer program with games to teach Math Fact Fluency (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). The website touts their success rate. I will definitely let you know if the results in my classroom back up their testimonials. It certainly looks like a fun game to me. I applied and received this online. You may want to check into it if you've not heard of it before. The company will grant two teachers per school to use the program free for one year. The website also says they have a limit per county or school district. I was gung-ho to get it in order to use the computer games for my students to practice Math facts! I'll keep you posted...

I am going to have Reflex Math as one station, SumDog Math as another station, iXL (which my school purchases) as a third station, and then "Teacher Time" with myself and my student teachers (yes, two of them!) to practice skills using games and paper/pencil work. Whew!! What a busy classroom we have! I am thankful to have 10 nooks, a quad (one computer, four stations), a teacher computer, a laptop, and a Promethean Board in my class this year! 

I'm soooo thankful for all the blessings in my classroom for my students! God has been soooo good to us! 
