
...sharing strategies for teaching second graders...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Compare and Contrast

We've been learning using Thinking Maps for the past two years.

My latest is Directions for comparing and contrasting The Gingerbread Boy and the Gingerbread Girl OR The Wolf's Chicken Stew and My Lucky Day (both by Keiko Kasza). 

To work toward this Common Core standard, ELACC2RL9: Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures, I created a directions sheet to go with blank Double Bubble Maps for my students. Maybe I fudged a little by comparing two stories by an author from another culture...but the gingerbread boy and girl balance the scale, don't you think? My students loved The Wolf's Chicken Stew and one of the boys in my class had My Lucky Day at home. He said he had a story that was sort of similar. I asked if he thought maybe the books had the same author, but he didn't thinkso. When he brought the book to school the next day, we discovered they did have the same author and it grew from there. The children loved the stories, especially My Lucky Day. If you haven't read that one, you'll enjoy it. It has such a surprise ending! :)

Find the Compare and Contrast Directions here if you wish to use them. 

Happy day! 
