Yes, I am thrilled, thrillled, thrilllled! Here's what happens when you receive this award: thank the person who gave you the award, tell seven things about yourself, and pass this award on to fifteen other blogs that you think deserve it.
Thank you so much, Mary! I am so excited! I'm glad I could pass on the Goldfish Colors activity. A student teacher did something similar in a class next door to me a couple of years back. I just jazzed it up a little, then took some pictures.
Seven things about me:
1. Jesus is my life!
2. I love my family! My husband, son, and I live next door to my parents and 1/2 mile (through the woods) from my brother and his family.
3. I love reading everyone's awsome ideas. Blogging has quickly become a mainstay in my "teaching" classroom has benefitted greatly from all my wonderful finds!
4. I "taught" school beginning at age 4! :) I love, love, love school and anything that has to do with school! (Well, except maybe the paperwork...)
5. I won a beauty contest at age 12. I was in seventh grade and my friends talked me into entering. They loved saying, "I told you so!" to me afterward.
6. I love, love, love to read. Reading is my way to relax and escape from everything! I also have a mind like an elephant (almost!)...I remember everything (loads and loads, anyway).
7. I play piano and organ. I've played in 35+ weddings and a few funerals as well.
...and now (drumroll) here are my Versatile Blogger Awards...
First, I love sunny days and Sunny Days in Second Grade always has something sunny going! :)

2. I know that second grade rocks!
3. I just found Sturch's Second Grade Stars...check them out!
4. Swimming into Second is always on the move!
5. Here's another blog I just found...excellent!

6. I've been checking in with Mrs. Lemons since I started blogging back in July!
Step into Second Grade with Mrs. Lemons!
7. I wish I could visit Down Under...this is as close as I 've gotten so far and I love it!
7. I wish I could visit Down Under...this is as close as I 've gotten so far and I love it!

8. I'm a farm girl, too! :)

9. Love this!
10. I've been checking out Simply 2nd lately...

11. All teachers have a little of this going on...
12. ...and we share what we've learned and created...

13. we'll all have fabulous second graders...
Flamingo Fabulous
14. and always be true to our beliefs and dreams for our children...

15. and finally, keep on Learning in 2nd Grade!